The Quote Box
Cooking is just as creative and imaginative an activity as drawing, or wood carving, or music. And cooking draws upon your every talent — science, mathematics, energy, history, experience — and the more experience you have, the less likely are your experiments to end in drivel and disaster. The more you know, the more you can create.
— Julia ChildThe Cat Cam
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Monthly Archives: March 2013
Let the rewrite begin
1206 words later I closed the laptop and felt pretty darn good about it. I think it’s a better intro to him and to the story. It’s a much better reason for him to take the first steps into the story. Continue reading
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Overheard haiku
you’re just showing off •
and not showing all your work •
but sometimes you must Continue reading
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The Apocalypse…
So, thank you NYS Comptroller’s office for doing the two things, correctly and in the correct order and well, welcome to the Apocalypse. Continue reading
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