Tag Archives: Reads
A Courtesy Email
This is a courtesy notice regarding your library account. Continue reading
Story Arc
But today, three panels that are just epic in that it took more than a year to get to this very moment and point and the last panels two words. Continue reading
Happy Birthday J.R.R.
For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach. Continue reading
Rainy monday, and everything
There’s not a champion until there’s a cause. — Mary Beth Frezon, novel-in-progress Continue reading
NaNoWriMo Read by @neilhimself
Tonight I realized that Neil (I can call him Neil, right?) doesn’t seem to have any more background in the Welsh language than I do since he blips over the same place and people names that I don’t know how to say. Thanks Neil. We’ll have to figure it out someday. Continue reading