Tag Archives: RESIST
Shoulder to Shoulder
to remind us of the brave women of the Suffragettes/Suffragists, both in the UK and the USA. It is also dedicated to the women millworkers of Bridport, Dorset, who came out on strike for better pay/conditions in 1912 and marched through the small town singing suffragette songs, including "The March of the Women Continue reading
A Generation – a musing
I was thinking about generations yesterday as most of the country observed Martin Luther King Jr Day. My parents’ generation (and mine were on the younger side of it) – The greatest generation – born in the depression, fought and … Continue reading
The Force
What’s happiness? When a totally nerdy, pop-culture iconic movie character says the exact same thing that every freaking thing you’ve ever read or been told by someone speaking to you about writing and art. There were more than a few … Continue reading
Then and Now – Gettysburg and Beyond
Looking back,I first posted these words here in 2015 after an incident in Baltimore triggered violence and looting. I reposted them two years later, a month after this president took office and thinking about what it means to be American … Continue reading
Today, Poetry
Today at lunch I wrote a poem about war and thought this is what it’s come to after all these years of killing. War again. That’s not the poem but it’s what I was thinking.