The Quote Box
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all
— Dale CarnegieThe Cat Cam
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Tag Archives: lifearoundus
I’ll take “things seen at the mall” for 200, Alex
still thinking of last night’s haiku: Boy butts hanging out not sure why this is stylish things seen at the mall Boy butts hanging out Walking strange the price of style I’m sure this makes sense (Alternate ending) I’m suddenly … Continue reading
Found on the cutting board
Pretty, but too late.
MOLLY! EITHER sit on my lap or go away. Stop sitting on the mouse, standing on the keyboard and other stuff and generally bei
ng a primo pest.
kj Continue reading
Quiet Sunday at Home
Then they flew off, leaving the rest of the birds to keep doing their thing. Continue reading
Welcome home.
This is what I heard from my driveway when I got home tonight. Continue reading
Posted in badass-ness, gardens and flowers, life around us
Tagged birds, gardens, lifearoundus