Tag Archives: lifearoundus
For The Quote Box
This is the greatest damn thing about the universe, that we can know so much, recognize so much, dissect, do everything, and we can’t grasp it. — Henry Miller
Found on the porch (a little sad)
It was a little sad to come home and find this little bird dead on my porch. It had apparently hit the storm door based on what I could see of its injuries. I had first wondered if a cat … Continue reading
Begin News Cycle
Attack at Orlando Gay Club Kills About 20 Another shooting, another newscast soft somber tones, furrowed serious brows explaining the questions, looking at the camera. Go to live. Begin news cycle. Begin: Cue the dark street scene, many lights, people … Continue reading
How to Love (and Why)
When our hearts are small, our understanding and compassion are limited, and we suffer. We can’t accept or tolerate others and their shortcomings, and we demand that they change. But when our hearts expand, these same things don’t make us suffer anymore. We have a lot of understanding and compassion and can embrace others. Continue reading
Seen On The Way To Work
Frost on the plants, this morning. Continue reading