It’s hard not to bend down to look at what’s coming up when I go outside these days. There’s always something new and a hope that something will appear in some places. They usually wait til I’m not looking or I’ve given up. In the area that I cut down the old shrubs, there’s a delicate carpet of tiny green leaflets, no doubt due to more sunlight, looking to get a foothold.
In other news – quick trip to the art supply store (Arlene’s!!) for a roll of tape and well… I replaced all the hot press paper I’d used so I have some more to cut up and use!
Bent over the ground
this is how we welcome spring
looking for new life.
Small familiar shoots
poking through the fragrant earth
unfolding greens
a forgiving eye
the sprawl of leaflets – all weeds –
insisting on life.

This was either a second cuppa coffee and/or “gotta let this dry a little” break early on. While this painting is perhaps more frantic seeming than the actual jar of stems, I think it sort of captures a lot about them and the season. When I looked at the photo in my phone it offered to ID the plant for me, pointing at the actual leaves, and it did identify the main plant there correctly as garlic mustard.

One’s art goes as far and as deep as one’s love goes. — Andrew Wyeth