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Wow – what a busy day. First off, I wondered what the heck was up with Bill the Cat, since he seemed to follow me everywhere and yeowl purposefully. I assured him that it was NOT time to eat again. Over and over again.

Finally he followed me upstairs and jumped up on the bed. We had a good wrassling match and finally I have him a wadded up sock to kick the bejeepers out of. That was fun, and apparently that’s what he wanted all along. Guess sometimes only a good wrassle will do! ^..^

Mainly though, I worked to get back with the program in terms of house keeping. Remember I took the baby steps thing very seriously. I have managed to keep my sink clean and shiney for a whole week. That means I did the dishes as they were created and did not leave anything laying around. This had some nice side benefits since it also meant the sink was open for food preparation. It also meant that each dish wshing was smaller – few things hanging around. The whole thing was easier!

Today I thought about the newspaper guy that wants to come interview me about the grant. Surely that is motivation enough to clear out the downstairs? At least the living room?

So I decluttered the computer desk, the phone table/area, the coffee table. Not better homes and gardens but MUCH better. Didn’t vacuum, just decluttered.

Then I headed upstairs to tackle the bathroom floor. First off, I discover that Mr. Ron has left a couple inches of water in the bathtub. Because the pipe is clogged, you ask? No way. Merely needs to have the gunk cleared from the drain, silly. ick.

But in anycase, now the floor and rugs are clean, and the bathtub is more clean. And I’m clean too because my deodorant gave up about half way through the floor. Man is it hot today!

And on that squeeky clean note – I’m off to the sewing room.

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