Fruitcake and recipes galore!

Tis the season

Yup, it’s December. Lots of shopping days, a little snow, lots of weather talk, more shopping, and of course:


So – it’s just a whirl of phone interviews, requests for interviews and radio show call-ins, and today – an interview with a local paper.

Yesterday almost 400 people hit the fruitcake society’s website. Watch for links to the upcoming press blitz.

Oh and for fellow fruitcake supporters, who would have guessed that the alcohol would be a big selling point for fruitcake among the young male market? Guys who I wouldn’t have bet on putting any crumb of fruitcake in their mouths, happily munched it down with the info that there was alcohol in there somewhere. Eat happy guys, and learn to love fruitcake.

Finally, I posted a newly tried recipe for Pumpkin Fruitcake to the Society’s recipe area. From a great cookbook I’ve had for years, I thought this year would be a good year to branch out a little bit and try a new fruitcake recipe. Turned out great and not hard to do at all.

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