all the wordz

It’s an unfortunate fall out of National Novel Writing Month that the posts here suffer in the service of piling up words toward the 50,000 needed for that goal. Although things big and small happen in the same thirty days, there’s still only so many hours in which to be awake and to write.

So be assured that although I’ve missed a few days writing here, I’ve been slogging along toward the end goal of NaNoWriMo. Tonight the number of words needed dipped into the six thousandsies and with four days of writing available I ended needing another 6259.

Watching the numbers is a strange motivation but it works. Other things work too, like finding myself tearing up at lunch time over a group of characters sharing a most wonderful experience. Tonight while i was driving home from the library I suddenly realized how the main characters could be observing a human event and enjoying it, unseen. And tonight when I started setting up that event for the other characters, there was another little twist that only the main character could have spun on the tale.

I did a little research tonight for poems and music about fairies after I stopped writing and noted things like this:

An Epilogue to the Above
By Duchess of Newcastle Margaret Cavendish

Sir Charles into my chamber coming in,
When I was writing of my ‘Fairy Queen;’
‘I pray’—said he—‘when Queen Mab you do see
Present my service to her Majesty:
And tell her I have heard Fame’s loud report
Both of her beauty and her stately court.’
When I Queen Mab within my fancy viewed,
My thoughts bowed low, fearing I should be rude;
Kissing her garment thin which fancy made,
I knelt upon a thought, like one that prayed;
And then, in whispers soft, I did present
His humble service which in mirth was sent;
Thus by imagination I have been
In Fairy court and seen the Fairy Queen.

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