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Where’s MB?

My two or three regular readers might be wondering where the heck I am…. Well I ask myself that same question every day! Mainly I’m just keeping on keeping on as they say. Reclaiming, reorganizing, rethinking, recharging. Exploring new options. Considering new ways to use old things.

I have just had a few days off which included a day with the quilting group wherein my good friend Naomi got me out of the great pit known as procrastination. I should have these words engraved or tattooed somewhere:

You’re just going to quilt the hell out of it.

And she was absolutely right. Yes of course I needed to have already auditioned the threads and thought about little tricks or additions. But for getting started – just do it. And the sooner the better. As with all things that are not pleasant**, sooner rather than later is always the best.

In other news, went to the dentist and was told that I was surprisingly in good shape. I survived with the help of a greatly understanding hygienist who really did understand how afraid I was. I got a new toothbrush. Whoooo hoooo, eh? I have to say that it’s very very cool.

OK — off to work with me now. I am quilting on one quilt and considering the next. And I hope to have enough momentum that I won’t need a kick start to get going on it.

** I hasten to add here that as much as I love to machine quilt, it can be hard work.

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