What did you do today MB?

Worked, felt quite hard at times in the very busy sense of hard.

Had dinner with Mom and we did a lot of chatting and looked at her computer and did some other stuff.

Drove home. Took out a bit of trash in preparation for trash day tomorrow.

Sat down and looked, again, at the end of my NaNoWriMo piece and thought, again, ‘how could you have left off writing without coming to the finish?’ aka ‘what the heck happens next???’

Got an icepack for my arm and went back to reading.

Decided to try and be more organized or something about the whole thing so I read a little more starting in the middle. Then I opened up a new document and titled it “todolist” with the date. I started with a short list of accomplishments, things that had brought the story thus far. Then a couple fairly hefty to-do items.

Finally a section of “topics opened and not used yet”

I think that’s all I can do tonight so I’ll leave the to-do list to ferment in my brain a bit.

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