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Tim Berners-Lee, WWW founder is recognized and rewarded — how nice is that? And he’s a nice guy who says

“Building the Web, I didn’t do it all myself. The really exciting thing about it is that it was done by lots and lots of people, connected with this tremendous spirit”

In that spirit, I’ll remind visitors that the interaction and community that is possible through the web is really what drew me to it back in 1995. I was making my first web pages about the time that the first web browsers were coming out. Amazing times.

So, when you see the “add your comments” link after this post – it means I hope you will participate in this site. Tell me you dropped by and what you thought about what you saw. Otherwise it’s just the sound of the counter clicking as you come and go. Make a statement – be a part of the community that is the world wide web.

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