The joys of email

I love email. I loved Eudora, a great software for email, no longer available for Macs and barely available for WIN. I have to use one web-based mail which isn’t great. Most of my mail these days goes into Apple’s own Mail program. Cleverly named, right?

The thing I like about email clients is that you can read and delete (and many people do this obsessively) or you can use the power of the software to do all kinds of things for you.

For example, I have a couple filters or rules which looks for any email from any email list I’m on that has the word “virus” in the subject line or body and sends it to trash. It includes some variations of the word, like “v*rus” and throws “hacke” into the mix as well. These emails go right to trash. It’s easy enough to get the attachments to go away and I don’t worry particularly about the viruses themselves but the endless reports and yammering about them is ridiculous. All that goes right to trash.

There’s one in my rules re iPads. Sometimes email lists are more like iPad self-help forums than anything else. Off to trash it goes.

Rules move mail from the inbox to their final resting place so I don’t have to. I have a smart or dynamic mailbox that is full of mail which “arrived today and is unread.” That way things don’t get lost, regardless of their final mailbox assignment. At midnight that smart mailbox gets emptied and as I read the mail, it goes away too.

I can see a new category of filtering on the horizon – to screen out repetitive and unwanted youtube videos. You know the ones – all the cat and kitten videos and fountains of soda.

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