Also this week…


This guy waited to speak with me and introduced me to his wife so I could help her get a new computer. We all had a good time. Robert Woods aka Bo Buchanan

A fun discussion with my co-worker and pal Matt ensued of ‘people we’ve met at work’. The list was rather impressive.

Earlier in the week:

Someone in a coffee establishment, after calling me ‘hon’ a number of times expressed surprised when I used my iphone to pay for my beverage. What?

“You’re the only older woman I’ve ever seen who uses her iphone to do that, like that.”

I did allow as how I work for Apple and maybe I should be able to handle doing that, lol but…

It was pretty much a whole week of that “how did you (and by you I mean: an old woman like yourself) ever learn all this stuff?” or “perhaps you’ll know (because you’re old or a quilter or __fill in the blank__) what the answer to this is…”

also yesterday:

we had a brief time without rain, but this morning it’s raining again.


got a little surprise package in the mail from Daleah, two CD’s of quilter songs by Cathy Miller. Very funny and spot on stuff like:

I was in my favorite fabric shop the other day
I brought in my addiction for a feed
I overheard a woman to the owner say
You don’t have the one thing that I need

You’ve got Hoffman and Dan River
Robert Kaufman, Michael Miller
Marcus Brothers, Northcott, Peter Pan
Kona Bay and Bali, African from Mali
RJR and Moda on the stand
There’s pastels, brights and jewel tones
Kitty cats and dog bones
All these things where quilters find delight
I’ve been through every bolt
And it gave me quite a jolt
Why don’t you have plain white?
from Why Don’t You Have Plain White? – Cathy Miller 2006

There was something else but apparently I need more coffee first

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