Day 28 of NaPoWriMo, Day 3 of being sick

P1010331 - Version 2

Nothing seems to touch the explosive sneezing and coughing but I’m sure I’ll live. Meanwhile NaPowriMo suggested using a color and writing a poem about it. My brain’s pretty pitiful at the moment so I’ll offer these lines just to keep the month going.

Many colored world yet so much grey
brown-grey, blue-grey,
some in the peach-tinged clouds
the dust blends all the colors away
the sun fades it all away
til all is grey. some shade of grey.
Some shade of grey
wrapped up in a black ribbon.
Shrugging this off like a morning fog
the glistening wet roads
the colorless room before sun
brings warming tints to the world.
truth: that grey supports all that color
and shows it new each day.

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