Thank you WordPress

it seems like my hosting company is knee deep in water or something.(I mean this in the most concerned and serious sort of way. MANY servers and server farms are located in the NYC/NJ area and no doubt there are a lot of geeky guys doing without sleep tonight wondering what’s going on with their servers.) Out for awhile, now up again, but for how long. While I do try to remember to do backups from time to time, I rely on them to have redundancy. Tonight this seems like a bad plan. As soon as I saw my site was back up and running I came in and began an FTP download of the main folder which has everything in it.

I was trying to remember how to log into the database itself where all the actual content and structure of the wordpress stuff lives. Oh wait – WordPress itself gives you a way to export that as an XML file that you can use to move your stuff. Done and done.

ZOMG. let’s see how far this gets.

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