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In case you’re wondering – yes I am a quilter. I’m starting a new quilt and still working on another. Don’t worry – fabric shots soon!

Now a message from our sponsor…

Remember the old saw about “give someone a fish and feed them for a day, teach them how to fish, feed them for life?” I hope you’ll all remember that spirit next time someone asks you about a problem they have on their computer. It’s one thing to reach over and hit some keys or say – that’s easy, here. It’s another thing to empower the person — this is what it’s called, this is where to find it, this is where to find more information about doing these things.

Why am I bringing this up? Because I got seriously dissed while trying to help a woman (yeah it was a woman, poor helpless woman, oh woe is me, woman). She had no idea how seriously she was dissing me. She kept asking for the person she’d dealt with previously even though I was trying very hard to find a solution for her. When she showed up in person she kept right on, in the same way that she had on the phone, through the whole demonstration of how easy it would be install the bit of software blah blah blah.

Finally, when she sort of complained that one of the selling points of the computer was that everything was loaded in it and set up, I put my foot down. Better get over that, I said. Wha wha wha? Yeah. It’s NICE that the software is loaded and that the dock has things in it, but you better start preparing yourself for needing to load new things or fixing things that get lost. It’s no big deal and you WILL have to do it.

yeah, I’m the mean one. Here, have a dose of reality with that, will ya?

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