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Great article in the Christian Science Monitor about quilting and some considered responses to the whole Wall Street Journal Debacle. I’ll forgive the Houston curator for saying that when people think about quilts they think about Quakers (he probably meant Amish) because the rest was fabulous. Consider these two quotes:

Curators like Mr. Marzio [director of the Gees’ Bend exhibit when it was in Houston] contend that the balance between traditional and innovative in quilting isn’t an either/or issue: Innovation is the tradition.

and this one:

Janet Koplos, senior editor of Art in America, agrees: “To attack quilts because they’re cheaper to ship – or because people like them – seems wildly off the point,” she wrote in an e-mail interview. “The proof of whether something should be shown in a museum is whether it rewards attention, and quilts are as interesting as other art forms.”

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