Musing about passing on knowledge

As you noticed, last night I looked a couple unrelated things up on the web and so jotted down a couple related haiku as a result. Part of my brain knows that this is an incredibly silly idea (silly in the best sense all the way around). Another part says well, often part of the learning process is to tell or share that new knowledge with someone else. Through that sharing, we’re forced to digest the new information and make ourselves ready to explain it in our own words to someone who may not have had the background we did when we first looked it up.

So for example: last night I was browsing music related to the Queen’s Jubilee (there’s not enough of it, I tell you!) and some of it is too “churchy” for me but when I clicked on one title, a very familiar tune came ouot from a title that wasn’t familiar. What’s that mean “The Old 100th? The Wikipedia article was full of information about the earliest version of the tune (1551) and different lyrics developed by different sects and one, in fact, written for the current Queen’s coronation.

I could have sat back in my chair after reading this, given a little ‘huh, how about that, it’s what I encountered as The Doxology’ and moved on. I find that process of passing along tunes for various uses and adjusting tune and lyrics over the years to be interesting though and I passed it along to you, dear readers. I’m less likely now to forget it all myself.

Everyday we talk to people, in person or by posting digital words to someone’s screens and we adjust their world a bit. We might not know where those ripples go or what effect they have.

Something to keep in mind! Pass it on, share the info, let your power through knowledge go out and change the world!

And if you can summarize your new knowledge in haiku form, go with it!

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One Response to Musing about passing on knowledge

  1. Holly says:

    I can summarize
    Anything in haiku form
    If I try enough.

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