Words from the Web – Embrace the Geek

I have encountered this for many years, that questioning look that says “why can’t you just be normal (like the rest of us)”. It doesn’t have to be about technology or comics or sci-fi. It’s whatever makes you “one of those” aka “not like me or anyone I know”.

Read this great post about what being a nerd/geek is all about and go with it in extreme happiness. (and don’t worry about the normal that’s the rest of them any longer)

Embrace your nerdy geekiness, my friends. Shout it from the rooftops. If someone tries to call you a geek or a nerd, tell them you refuse to apologize for your enthusiasm about the miracle of human consciousness. Go out into the world and find your like-minded geeky friends, and let’s see what we can do to make the world a happier, nerdier place.

via The Office of Letters and Light Blog – Embrace the Geek.

Warning: contains non-gratuitous wil wheaton reference.

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