Got Red Pears?

Friends – if not, GET red pears!

You know I love them, and it’s so rare to get them that they’re really good. But friends, you can have a true heavenly experience even if your pears aren’t squeezably ripe, so long as they have real pear aroma. Beware pears that have been juiced-on by squished pears in transit.

OK, got pears? Make a sugar and water syrup. Not even as sugary as a normal simple syrup (equal amounts of water and sugar). Maybe a cup and a half of water and a couple TB of sugar? You judge. Depends on how many pears you want to cook and the shape of your pan too. And how crazy you go about the resulting syrup! the pears should be mostly covered with syrup later on.

Bring that to a simmer, throw in some powdered ginger. You can use fresh, but no need. We’re talking comfort food. Add a dollop of port if ya’s got. Red wine will do in a pinch. Just a splash. Fill the wonderful syrup with pears that you’ve washed, and then cut into 6 or so big pieces, taking out any core-bits. Leave that wonderful red skin on. Cut straight down on opposite sides of the core. Cut down the remaining two sides. Cut the first two big pieces in half. Done.

Simmer until the pears are firm but cooked all the way through.

Sit down and try not to eat the whole pot and try not to drink all the syrup. Best served warm.

Repeat as often as possible. Don’t say you weren’t warned. If asked, you can say this is a pear compote. It would work with good apples, too. I’m done.

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