Tuesday @home

I’ve got two cats sitting in the cat cam window watching the bird feeder because, why? Because there’s a grackle there eating whatever he wants to eat. A couple of red-winged blackbirds on the ground but the grackle is clutching onto one of the feeders and trying to look reeeeaaaaal cool about the whole thing. Very funny. Eventually the pure mass of goldfinches push him away.

OK, some coffee and hopefully the end of this endless facing. Guess I better settle on the title so I can put the label on. Guess I better remember if I have to heat set the label’s printing and I guess I better get on making the freezer paper circle so I can applique that sucker down, eh?

Ended my listening last night at the end of Disk Six of Anansi Boys. Love the reader doing various voices. It’s not like it being acted out, but makes it easy to know who’s talking. At times the Caribbean inflections make me wonder what the words on the pages look like but I’m good with it. In the past when I’ve tried to listen to an audio lecture or something while sewing it hasn’t gone well. My brain wanders away and I come to down the road no idea what is being talked about. I can see that this wouldn’t work during actual quilting for instance – I’d have to be on earbuds then anyway – but for me piecing and quilting are too meditative by themselves to have a storyline spooling out in my ears.

I think the reason that music works for me there is because I always end up singing along. My choices are things I can sing or doodle along too which means honestly I’m not really just listening to it.

All righty then let’s get these things started and done.

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