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what a day. On my way to work, for 8 AM! I slipped on some ice in the parking lot and, before I even realized I was falling, was flat on my back gasping for air. Hobbled into work and tried to get myself back together but all I could feel was this pain over the top of my pelvis and this big muscular knot forming up and down my right side. So off I went to the MD’s and he told me to ice it, lay down and see how it felt tomorrow and the next day. All in all a soggy morning, from the slop on my backside thanks to the slush and to the tears which didn’t stop for quite awhile. Geesh. I’m a mess sometimes.

Did lay down with the ice pack. Grabbed: my lunch (a turkey sandwich which I did NOT share with the cats); a bit of coffee, my madonna phone (headset cordless type) and Harry Potter vols 1-2. I read for awhile but then fell asleep. ME – in the middle of the day. Unheard of. When I had to get up later on, my back is still pretty sore, but does feel less spasming.

I’m really enjoying Harry Potter on the second run through. I’d forgotten many of the details. It occurs to me that I don’t really care if I see the movie because I enjoy the view in my head of Hogwarts.

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