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Well, I’d say that the turkey crock pot dish was successful — more than half of it was gone. I was able to get some hard rolls on my way to work, so that was a good antidote for the high spice level. Had a bit with Ron tonight and it was still interesting that the dish was pleasantly flavored but the spiciness was definitely in the sausage.

Busy busy day at work. I don’t think I’ve set foot in a mall on “black friday” in at least 10 years, maybe more. ack. Wave after wave of people, many actually buying things. Some doing some investigative shopping. I was glad to sit down when I got home.

It’s interesting that I’m losing a bit of weight working in the store because there’s no real opportunity to nosh. If you do a reasonable lunch, it’s a way to curb the calorie intake. The main problem is that it’s hard to drink enough – by the end of the day I’m parched. And I really wish the genius bar had a coffee bar behind it.

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