Fixing the Mailbox

When I went out with my holiday cards, all zip-sorted and rubberbanded, I noticed that the rivet holding on the mailbox door on one side was gone.

So yesterday, I returned to a local hardware store where one young workers cheerily asked if I needed help and the other, apparently remembering my last trip, said – yeah! after this we can go home!

Last time I bought 3 allen wrenches to stash away. My bill was like $2-3 dollars.

This time, I bought 2 sets of nut, bolt, washer and my total was 95 cents. We all had a good laugh. I said they could go home now and I was going home to fix the door on my mailbox.

Which I did and like most jobs it was easier than expected. I managed not to lose any of the new parts and I duct taped the spare set to the inside of the mailbox for future use.

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