The Small Things That Start Big Things

Looked out from upstairs and the one birdfeeder’s lid/roof was askew – again. And again, after me spending a bit of time the other day trying to realign and tighten it up a little. There is a pivoting “weathervane” on top that secures the roof to the feeder’s body by rotating through a slot inside.

So when I went out to look for mail (and good morning to you, chickens) I went over to look at the feeder. What’s that fuzzy stuff leaking out under the roof eave?


Now I’d expect that being a couple feet away would send a squirrel flying but no – there were metal walls blocking my approach. So I picked up the biggest stick I could find on the ground and gave that thing one big THUMP and yell! That squirrel scrabbled out and jumped seriously twelve feet without hitting anything.

I took down the feeder and dumped part of it into the chicken’s place o’seeds. I took a different feeder and filled it with the rest and hung it up while I figure out if there’s a way to secure the roof without it being human proof too.

Thus endeth today’s squirrel saga. In a moment of pure vengeance I forgot to take a photo. Please forgive.

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2 Responses to The Small Things That Start Big Things

  1. Pingback: The Small Things That Start Big Things |

  2. Daleah Lawson says:

    Fuzzy tailed tree rats. I took our bird feeder down permanently when I saw an actual RAT leap into it. Grrr. Now I just do hummingbird feeders, but only in the winter. I guess some people have had bears get their bird feeders….

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