Happy #100!

According to the counter in the sidebar, this is blog #100 for 2010 – surely a cause for celebration. Whatever else is going on or not going on in my life for the past 9 years, this has been my window onto the blogosphere. I share some of the mundane stuff, some of the creative process, day to day minutia and odd photos of what’s going on.

Yesterday after a sketchy day at work, I came home and took a bunch of photos of my neighbor Elaine – she needed some new pics for things like business cards. As I said elsewhere – I normally shoot either big flat things hanging calmly from rods or green stuff near the edges of roads. Occasionally shots of furry beings. Which is a long way to say that taking purposeful photos of people isn’t my area of expertise. But hey, digital film is cheap!

I went prepared to shoot outdoors, to have lovely out of focus green backgrounds via the Nikon’s lens. No – we stayed inside and figured out ways to get enough light. In the end I came home with a smallish bunch of pictures. Some hit the trash can right away due to blurriness or whatever. Some were quite nice. The first one I took I really liked but it was very dark and very soft. I found a way to brighten it and applied a Photoshop filter or two and think it will be quite useable. All in all an interesting exercise.

Today I’m off work – did some mundane stuff like dishes, will throw in some wash in a bit. Got back to work on my quilting. Next bobbin got put into the machine. I thought that was a good moment to break for dinner. Which brings me to the real purpose of my 100th post:


Oh my. I have to thank Peter Reinhart for his primo, five-star, best in the world version of cole slaw. I think it is so easy and so extremely delicious that every time I have it I think I should eat it every day.

The corn on the cob in the store was ick and was gladly left behind. Cabbage was 49 cents a pound and from it I made the nectar of the kitchen gods. Or maybe, the salad of the kitchen gods.

I keep thinking it’s going to rain and wish it would. We need the rain and could use to shed the humidity. C’mon rain!

I’ve added a few new links to the “Other Sites” page above. If you have any favorite blogs about making stuff, I’m glad to look at some new stuff. My main goal in adding new links was to get me to delete some of the older, non-updating sites.

Finally, I’m reading two books: upstairs I’ve got The War of Art going while downstairs I’m on book two of the Teachings of Don Juan books. Good times!

OK, thus endeth post #100 of the year 2010. Covered a lot of the big topics and now you, dear reader, will just have to wait and see what happens next.

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One Response to Happy #100!

  1. Janet Atkins says:

    Thank you for blogging, and I hope to see 200 more!

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