Monday Monday

Now that you’re all singing along (you know you are)!

A grey start after last weeks shining weather, but doesn’t matter because I’m still on vacation. I think that it doesn’t get much better. Have had the windows open a crack and it’s nice to have some fresh air around.

I may be guilty of having a bit more coffee than normal but I’m blaming the new* coffee grinder. I decided to hang it on the old kitchen “hutch” which is outside the actual kitchen. It means I didn’t have to try and find a secure place to mount and since you get to actually crank the wheel attaching it solidly is important. The thick old boards of the store-bought hutch were just the thing. I’m getting the hang of how many cranks for how many cups of coffee and the results are great. Not messy either which surprises me. I would have guessed that grounds would continue to float down after removing the catching jelly jar of freshly ground coffee.

Guess I’m heading out for some groceries and to see what else I can think about.

* New in this case means something that survived from around 1910-20-ish. I have no idea if mine is a #2 or #3 or a combination of parts of both. Unthreaded hopper with embossed but the area behind the handle is smooth which points to #3. On the back of the grinder itself is a #2 stamped in the metal but apparently that doesn’t mean anything. Don’t really care because it works!

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