Happy Birthday Blog

Happy ninth birthday, blog! Over the years I have moved from Blogger (still have the tshirt and wear it proudly) to WordPress; from first gen web pages to CSS.

What I first loved about the web remains the same: that people can come here through chance or otherwise and learn something about me, my life and my work. Oh yeah, ok, and those darn cats. Oh! And fruitcake. Don’t forget the fruitcake.

From early digital cameras to being able to shoot and upload directly via iPhone technology may have changed, software come and gone, etc., but the basic urge to share and communicate remains the same. To me blogs are like the journals and diaries of times past we use to piece together a view of what life was really like then.

Through the web I’ve met and known people for years – I would never have known them let alone shared news of their lives or gotten to really meet them. I am grateful for all those meetings. And it turned out we weren’t ax murderers after all.

So let the march towards year 10 begin here and now!

In quilting news I now have 65 squares made. The last batch is ironed but needs squaring up. I think it’s going ok.

Stay tuned.

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3 Responses to Happy Birthday Blog

  1. Marge Hurst says:

    Hi there,

    It is almost 15 years since we met on the internet. I remember the month (April, 1995)well because it was just before I dashed off for the weekend to Quilt National and I thanked my lucky stars for the internet which eased my arrangement making no end. And I met not only you, but Margaret and Judy and Eileen and Sharon and Sharron and Isabel and Karen, etc., etc. And none of us were ax murderers. Even I, from NZ, have met many of these women, one even came to NZ (Isabel) and I met Sharron for dinner when she and I were both visiting Oz. Quite amazing really.

    So happy birthday blog. I don’t have one and don’t plan to, but who knows….



    PS Are you still interested in Hawaiian shirts? Some years ago I bought some beautiful Hawaiian shirt cards but cannot bear to use them and would like to send them to you if you still have that interest.

  2. Janet Atkins says:

    Happy ninth – and many more, I hope!

    Thanks for the pictures.


  3. Mom says:

    Your blogs let us all know the real you. They share so many wonderful things and happenings. I love seeing the wonderful pictures. Today to see the pieces of your new quilt and the beautiful cats. That is wonderful sharing. May you always enjoy doing all the things you do and all the friends you meet. Love Mom

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