Goodbye Cerulean Blue…

Hello Manganese Blue Hue.

I’m taking it as a good sign that many of this palette’s colors needed topping off. I seized the moment to replace that cerulean blue with a new color to see if that suits my eye better.

The days of comfortable en plein air are numbered at this point so I spent a good part of today out at a local conservation area. I’d forgotten the pens I meant to bring to do homework for an online class so I used my rigger brush instead and had a good time.

Pro tip: make sure there’s no other paintings around before you start spattering…

Gratuitous haiku:

Hello Manganese
Goodbye Cerulean Blue
I’m ready to paint

This entry was posted in Do the Work, en plein air, In the neighborhood, taking time to look, the creative process, watercolor and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.