Day Thirty, NaPoWriMo

It’s good to jot down words:
a line of conversation,
two words or three that
appear on the windshield
during the drive to work
good to capture them in
the dailyness of life
snatching them from
wherever words and ideas go
when they decide you’ve
ignored them too long
or aren’t paying attention.
Listening and looking for them,
muse-like they appear regularly
and, having paper and pen
at the ready, they stay.
The day to day after day
of describing and remembering
is an adventure without
known destination. The road
turns or brinks a hill
and there you are watching
birds boiling up on
paper-scrap wings to
a sky yet unseen.

Thank you to all my April NaPoWriMo visitors, readers and commentators. Hope you had a great month and thanks for sharing my thirty newly written poems!

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5 Responses to Day Thirty, NaPoWriMo

  1. Kristin says:

    I enjoyed the poetry this month, reading and writing. It was different, not having to put it on a postcard, although I still tended to write short.

    • Mary Beth Frezon says:

      lol I had to remind myself that it was OK if I wrote a few more lines. Didn’t have to be a small sonnet-sized piece.

  2. Mom Betty Frezon says:

    I so enjoyed you constant efforts. Great work.

  3. Phyllis Otto says:

    And thank you for letting us enjoy the results.

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