happy new year, redux

Maybe it’s just come to this, that sometimes you have to sweep away some of the old stuff and leave room for new stuff to take up residence.

Last night I skimmed through yet another full mailbox full of email from a mailing list I’ve belonged to, well forever. Most of it made me roll my eyes, some of it made me grit my teeth, some of it made me seriously annoyed. I got to an email from someone I respect, rebutting some of the earlier email stupidness and found myself getting ready to jump in with support but…. most of me thought: just not worth my time and energy anymore. So I posted my farewell, went and unsubscribed and confirmed.

And then – and then – I went to gmail, filtered all that mail and deleted each and every stinkin’ email that was from that list. holy cow. it was like opening the windows and letting fresh air into your house on that first warmish day in spring. Even when you know you’ll have to put the storms down again before spring seriously arrives.

I will miss some of the folks, hearing about their lives and work. Most of them I have web sites and email addresses if I need contact. If I miss them too much, re-subscribing and re-lurking is an option. Not bloody likely as far as I can tell.

So happy…. whatever…. to me.

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