Happy August!

You know what that means (from the annals of 2006):

It’s time for your yearly reminder:

People have tried and tried, but sex is not better than sweet corn. — Garrison Keillor

and while you’re at it, eat a real tomato or two. Summer’s short and corn and tomato season even shorter. Now go.

Here’s my helpful August tip to get you going. If you have a cob of corn left over, cooked or uncooked you can have a great omelet for breakfast or dinner. If it’s a single uncooked cob, leave it in the husk, stick it in the microwave for 4-5 minutes and that husk will slide right off with the silk, leaving the perfectly cooked corn behind. Use a good big dishtowel to protect your hands because that sucker is hot. Here’s how, with a trick I learned recently about slicing off the wide end of the cob before removing the husk.

Next, slice off the corn from the cob. From here you can go in lots of directions, but throw a glob of butter into a fry pan, throw in a bit of chopped onion. Fry that a bit and then dump in the corn nibs. let that cook a few minutes and go on about your business making your two or three egg omelet. I like to flip mine and add just a little (not tons, PLEASE!) good cheddar.

You could add chopped green/red sweet peppers, chopped tomatoes (drained of their liquid), feta instead of cheddar, potatoes.

Now go. And if you use some leftover potatoes with onions to make some home fries before you start with the omelet, no one will think anything other than:

Hey, you sass that hoopy Quiltr.com reader? There’s a frood who really knows where his towel is.

Apologies to Douglas Adams.

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