Sunday to Sunday Delightful Fairpoint Update & Warez MB?

Folks I’ve been without DSL from @MyFairpoint a week as of today. I won’t go into the phone calls other than to say I’m out of energy on it and besides they don’t work much on weekends or at night (other than the people who tell you to restart your modem). I’ve asked for a reduction of my bill and I was assured (!ha ha!) that a note to the appropriate person would be sent along with a note to the different person to send me a freaking new modem.

Anyway this is to tell you that while at home I’m on iffy and fluctuating ATT cellular data. So if I seem a little quieter than normal, that’s why.

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One Response to Sunday to Sunday Delightful Fairpoint Update & Warez MB?

  1. betty frezon says:

    I wonder if a congressman or woman’s office would help with the continuing problem through the years. Fairpoint needs to know someone is watching them. How dare they treat you and other customers that way.

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