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Where Spring/Summer leaves on hiatus

The low temperature last night here in the shadow of the Berkshires was 49.5F. That’s right. June 10 and 11.

Yesterday morning it was still drizzling and spitting rain after a night of steady-sounding rain and wind. That wind was direct from the north, the main edge of a huge nor’easter. The rain finally broke around 11 AM and the wind helped dry out things a bit but the temperature required a couple layers of clothes. How un-June-like!

I was determined to work outside though. I had felled quite a pile of trees, including one oak tree with my chainsaw and then the skies had opened up. Again. So the pile of tree remains was sitting there two days later. A few plants were waiting patiently to be put into the ground somewhere, anywhere at this point.

I worked doing old wallpaper removal while waiting for the rain to stop and then headed outdoors. I lopped off all the small branches and piled up the leafy stuff for normal decay into composty stuff. Since it wasn’t raining I broke the golden gardening rule and finished turning over the garden. Luckily that soil is so good that it wasn’t a mucky mess! I turned a large enough space to put in my plants and some seeds and that was it for me and the day. The temperature was heading downward. I cleaned up all the tools and knew the remaining tree stuff would wait for another day. Hopefully one that wouldn’t require two sweaters!

Back in the house, I did finish the pile of squares I’d started the other night.

Today? Maybe indoor work and a dinner that requires the oven.

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