Clouds in the Blue Sky

Head down, pedal to the metal

Thanks to my readers who have been following along in this final push to finish my “Why is the Sky Blue?” challenge quilt. (Still waiting for a title to appear….) I got a week’s reprieve to finish the quilting which I appreciate and I’m determined!

I’m not complaining either — all the ruffl-i-ness — going away. Inch by inch as the edges get quilted down. Flat. All good.

And in other news, I thought I was sort of stretching things doing all this quilting all over my “sky”. Every day I’d look up at the clouds and well, the only thing that was feathery looking were the old contrails. Until yesterday, as I drove west in the late afternoon. Looked up to the northwest corner of the sky and there was a line of natural clouds with big loopy, well, feathers. Individual feathers. Big loopy ones. Bordering on sawtooth sort of things. Could I pull over and take a photo? Of course not, so you’ll have to take my word for it.

And you’ll have to just believe that I was bouncing up and down behind the wheel going – yes! yes! yes!

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