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One of the things that makes grocery shopping bearable is being nosy enough to notice what other people have in their shopping carts. Eeeks! The things people buy.

–disclaimer– I am not a totally raw, unprocessed food purchaser myself. But compared to what I see in the carts of others I could probably get stamped “organic” LOL! –disclaimer off–

OK so the lady in front of me in the check out line had bottled water, quite a few of the ??arizona?? Rx teas – stress relief etc, and a bunch of instant soup things. I thought, with water out of the tap, you could make lots of tea or drink the water. There was a bunch of other stuff too that was really strange.

Other things that jumped out at me – huge boxes of multicolored cereal. Single serving soup in bottles or cans. This totally puzzles me “Suddenly Salad” – apparently makes a pasta salad. How sudden can that be? Would this be with dried vegetables? mmmmmm

What did I buy? Cans of tomatoes, and crushed tomatoes for making sauce. Vegetarian baked beans for a quick dinner side. Tuna. A brisket to make BBQ beef. coffee. A beef kielbasa in case I want to make soupy stuff. Romaine, celery, green beans. Some pasta. Some cheaper pasta for macaroni salad (with tuna probably). Rice (which it turns out we didn’t need yet) Beef hot dogs (recent guilty pleasure for when no one else seems interested in dinner).

Lest I sound too pure – I replaced the bottle of Bombay Gin and Sue’s bottle of Parrot Bay Rum.

Now it’s all put away and it’s time to go sew.

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