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The Seasons Quilt Top is Done! whooo hoooO!

All those big hunks finally came together. And without too much trouble actually. Looks better really than this funky photo of it, mounted somewhat precariously on the only blank, large wall of our house. See more

Last night I had “post-top-completion anxiety” or something and rumbled around in the sewing room until I realized around 11 pm I was just exhausted and went to bed. (night before was a toss/turn sort of exercise). I did manage to pull out a lot of colors for an amish-style quilt but was too braindead to do any math. Still had enough sense to realize that I was too braindead though, and enough sense not to try rotary cutting anything.

Suppose I should spend sometime looking at the sunday want ads today. Busy week coming up – Wednesday I’ll be volunteering with WAMC radio station’s fund drive then a meeting with Pat. Thursday Pat and I have a meeting with the new prez of the regional chamber of commerce. Friday is my interview with Apple for the new Apple Store in Guilderland.

Guess I should schedule some more time with OS X, but I’ve been busy actually working rather than needing to putter. As I told Ron, when he sent me a “great web URL” for programming languages – maybe HE should get this job and leave me alone. He’s not getting that a job at an Apple Store is retail, not programming etc. Yes they want you to be Mac savvy etc but it’s not programming. And I don’t want to do programming.

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