Day 5, NaPoWriMo

well that was a nice unexpected 15 minute or so nap…

My little and oldest cat Deirdre, ruler of the crew
your purr so sweet, you’re always watching,
attentive, checking on me over and again
here you are, head butting my laptop.
here you are, trying to walk behind my head.
what say you lay down here next to me and let me work
or I can give you a preventative hug.
Sorry I can’t be still enough to let you snooze
you’re tired from inspecting my coat, my bag,
my half-filled cup of tea, my fingers
following me down the stairs to check the food bowls
and back up to see that I refill the water dish.
Too many pets and you move away with a look
but a moment later you’re back to give a kiss
I stroke your head and get batted in return.

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