Hot, Humid and Using Technology

Another busy day.

First off it’s HOT, actually it’s the ol’ HHH Hot Humid Hazy. And don’t go there with that “it’s not the heat, it’s the humidity” malarky.

The idea of going to an air conditioned place held great appeal, let’s just say. So I went off to Walmart with the notion of getting a few things I need for tomorrow’s dyeing class at East Side Quilters. I got sidetracked on the way and ended up at Staples.

I wandered around there for awhile and ended up with a pile of stuff for the fund-raising letter we’re about to get out for NYQuilts!. Got some cool stuff. Totted it up when I got home and it comes out to about fifty cents a recipient without the postage. There will be more on this.

I did finally get to Walmarts for the dyeing stuff. Needed things like a respirator type mask. 9 X 13 disposable pan. rubber gloves. Ziplock bags etc. I picked up some bleach for discharging some fabric too.

Came home and sat down to work on the fundraising deal. This book I have Guerrilla Marketing for the Home-Based Business talks about thinking through the whole package – what the person is going to experience from the time your envelope arrives.

I was trying to figure out ways to show non-quilters and non-quilt-show-goers what a quilt show is like. Indeed, what is contemporary quilting like. Figured I would through in some of the postcards that we have of raffle quilts. But then FLASH (that was the lightbulb flickering!) I realized – put it on a CD.

So I have processed 80-90 photos from the last two years of NYQ! to put into web page format. Then I can do the same for the letter etc. Then it will all get burned onto CD’s. whoooo hoooo!

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