Category Archives: birds and chickens
The Little Close Encounter
Go out into the woods they say. Commune with nature they say. Draw strength from all beings. Yeah. Well sometimes you go into the woods, think deep thoughts and write a big book. Othertimes you go for a walk and … Continue reading
Friday, trying. I’m trying. And why
If you recall, my motto is Practice, Persistence, Beauty. In that spirit I got myself out of the house, put a coffee and breakfast sandwich in my hand and splattered paint on paper for a short while before work. My … Continue reading
What’cha been doin’?
I’m waiting for the paints to set up in my new travel palette. What colors? Hansa Yellow Light, Quinacridone Red, French Ultramarine, Indigo, Sap Green, Hooker Green, Burnt Sienna, Sepia. All Daniel Smith except the sepia which is Winsor Newton. … Continue reading
NaPoWriMo Day Seventeen Haiku Day
Happy International Haiku Day! Determined flying Beaks slice frothy morning clouds Springward northward bound Faceted glinting Restless metamorphosis Springs up, vanishes. Out of night’s quiet And still, sleepy murmuring The first bird’s clear note.
There is nothing like looking up and seeing a bald eagle fly over, (middle-bridge Brainard) gleaming in the bright morning light. Later in my commute I spotted a pileated woodpecker flying over I-90 west of exit 6.