Category Archives: birds and chickens
NaPoWriMo Day Fourteen
It was a lovely day to go out and look at clouds and stuff today. Spring is coming. Too late to turn back now except temporarily. Today was warm in an april way tonight cooler but no frost and tomorrow … Continue reading
NaPoWriMo Day Ten
The other day, the NaPoWriMo prompt was to re-read a bit of Spoon River Anthology and write something in the voice of someone who has died. That wasn’t the day for me to do it but today, I took that … Continue reading
December 2020
To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. โ Joseph Chilton Pearce Continue reading
Where did June Go?
Mainly it went in a swirling of brain-drain as I trained and adjusted to doing a new thing while working from home. It has taken really three weeks to go from abject terror to only moments of wondering what-the-heck-am-I-doing, LOL. … Continue reading
4 June 2020
Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive. โ Dalai Lama Had a day of work training, all virtual, today. It’s been a long week and yesterday I allowed as I had hit the Wednesday wall. … Continue reading