Category Archives: Sept. 11
Sunday, August Is Flying
When I got home tonight, there was still the August Postcard Poetry Fest poem to get done. Earlier today I’d responded to a post on Facebook and thought and then forgot about the line which I thought, at the time, … Continue reading
September 11, 2015
That’s always the contrast isn’t it, what had been normal and this instant where the world becomes something else, something unknown until now. Something perhaps unimaginable but now sitting quite real in the world, alongside us. Continue reading
Just Say No To Torture.
There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am prepared to kill for. — Mahatma Gandhi Continue reading
Ending the day with memories and a poem
Thinking about Christoffer M. Carstenjen and Steve Adams two young men who were killed on Sept 11. Having faces to put with the day brings a different aspect along with the particular, sharp memories of the day as I experienced … Continue reading