Category Archives: covid19
The Eve of April
My tradition is to write an eve of April poem so here it goes. Maureen over at NaPoWriMo headquarters suggested a play on Emily Dickinson so that was a nice launching prompt. So without further ado: hope it’s a forever … Continue reading
NaPoWriMo Day Twenty-Six
Late but it’s still Day Twenty-six on the left coast. Mom and I went out today – to the art supply store and to an office supply store. `I got the few things I “needed” but there might have been … Continue reading
NaPoWriMo Day Ten
The other day, the NaPoWriMo prompt was to re-read a bit of Spoon River Anthology and write something in the voice of someone who has died. That wasn’t the day for me to do it but today, I took that … Continue reading
NaPoWriMo Day Three
Thought I’d slide up route 22 to visit Robert Frost today a good cool bright-blue-sky day but big red signs at the state line warned me Vermont was closed well, sort of, you know and it was too hard to … Continue reading
NaPoWriMo Day Two
Ended up today in the grocery store for the first time in a year. It was so much bigger than I remembered: dark ceiling, ignored arrows on floor, shelves and shelves of exotic stuff I remember the years of lingering … Continue reading