Why you should pay attention to your own work

After a while all kinds of painting becomes just painting for you โ€” abstract or otherwise. Being anti-traditional is just as corny as being traditional. โ€“ Jackson Pollock

I seem to be hitting the sweet spot for the pile of words known as the quote box. This one I’d like to mail to a few folks LOL.

For the first time in many years I am not subscribed to any quilt-related lists, not a member of any organization at all actually. Feels funny but good. When I was asked why by one organization, I gave truthful and specific reasons. Sometimes it’s just not worth $60 a year.

It did indeed snow last night, although it’s hard to tell just how much came down. I’d say at least eight inches. It was drifted up around my door. When I went out last night to retrieve my parka from the car and to put the snow pusher on top of the car, it was cold and the snow was light and crisp and tiny. This morning there was a little while of drizzle after I went out to shovel the driveway and plowed in stuff. When I went out after coffee and breakfast to finish up the snow was denser.

I was out before anyone else apparently and enjoyed being out there with just the small birds, peeping and calling. Love stopping to catch my breath and warm my fingers and hearing the small noises around me in a quiet world.

Filled all the bird feeders, fed the cats, fed me and now I’ve been poking around, catching up on blogs and feeling the urge to do something, if I only knew what.

Saw the Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug with some friends – the whole IMAX/3D experience. It was great. You have to go in knowing that it can’t be like the book, but I’m so glad that they didn’t try to make The Hobbit into one or two movies. There is just so much story to tell there, and things to see and linger over. I was impressed by a single moment where Bilbo realizes what the Ring has made of him, what it made him do. It was a perfectly brief and wonderful moment in hours of awesome movie.

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