Another jolly Monday. Tonight I stopped and picked up a couple things at the store and came home. Made a cup of coffee and whaddya know — total happiness is having picked up half and half at the store and pouring the last of the previous h&h into your mug when you get home.
Then I came upstairs and mushed some fabric around. Not quite ready to start sewing yet.
Had a good chuckle when faithful reader and commenter Naomi confessed her silk addiction to the whole QuiltArt email list. LOL – I’m just a beginner at that one, Naomi! But I can feel your pain…. Got any bright yellow/gold?
And now for a brief political announcement or two.First off, it’s election day tomorrow so get out there and vote for somebody. Early and often as they say.note to politicos and their handlers
OK idiots. You enticed me to think hard on voting out all the incumbants. I’m for the idea in theory. But folks! If you want me to vote for change, how about acting like you’ll be different? No dirty tricks. No bad-mouthing. No sleaze.
Tell me about the candidate and why he or she is a better alternative. And then:
Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
I find myself wishing there was a “None of the above” choice. Really, in the Virginia Senate race the question is a choice between two individuals neither of whom would be welcome at my dinner table. See how great it would be to have a “none of the above” option?
Ah, well … it’s still beats the snot out of having no choices at all, doesn’t it?